Rational decisions in resolving disputes
Attorney at law
Marija Židonienė
Associate lawyer
Donata Berezinaitė
Legal services related to the preparation, execution, and disputes arising from contracts (such as purchase and sale, construction, loans, services, joint operations (partnerships), representation, peace, leases, exchanges, gifts, etc.).
Legal services related to divorce, child support, child support arrears, paternity determination, marriage contracts, participation in negotiations, and other related matters. Preparation and representation in all related documentation.
Consultations on inheritance through a will, inheritance under the law, acceptance of inheritance matters, preparation and representation in related documentation.
Consultations on healthcare, quality of services provided, and representation in disputes related to patients' rights and interests concerning the quality of healthcare.
Drafting of employment contracts, collective agreements, consulting and representation in employment disputes, commission and in courts; representation in negotiations; legal consultations of employers, employees, and their representatives on various issues of employment law.
Legal consultations and protection of Clients' interests regarding payment of insurance benefits in the event of a car accident, compensation for damages, awarding of damages, etc. issues related to insurance law.
Legal services regarding construction (contract) work defects, renovation, etc. issues related to the construction contract. Property (movable and real) management, use, disposal, acquisition/transfer of property rights, legal relations of co-owners and other legal services.
Legal services in defense of personal and companies and representation persons in criminal proceedings.
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